Reducing the burden of in-attendance proofing — Part 1

The Outset MULTI EX Gravure Proof press installed at Nissio Gravure

The Japanese flexible packaging converter Nissio Gravure Co., Ltd. has gone beyond simply converting plastic packaging materials and used its know-how to develop the GRAVO-PROOF MULTI, a labour and energy saving viii-color gravure proof printing. Developed nigh xxx years ago, they have sold roughly fifty of the machines, only more recently received a manufacturing subsidiary with which they developed a new digital version — the MULTI EX. The new model released in 2015 is easier to set considering it is digital, but more importantly produces color proofs that are similar in quality to those produced by actual gravureprinting machines, reduces the burden of in-attendance proofing, and can exist used equally a minimum run printing machine, all features they are pushing to aggrandize sales. In the first part of this commodity nosotros will innovate the groundwork to the development of MULTI EX, and in the post-obit article we volition introduce the technical details of the arrangement

The GRAVO-PROOF MULTI, which has a maximum of eight printing cylinders set on the turret, is able to print on the same films and inks used during gravure production runs to provide about-product-quality proofs

In this way, these proof presses eliminate the demand to use production press machines when customers or designers attend proof printing. Additionally, this approach also significantly reduces the waste from films and leftover ink used during in-attendance proofing with product machines. Although production schedules tin exist delayed if at that place is a need to alter the colors when using production machines during in-attendance proofing, changes can be made easily with the MULTI proof press because it merely requires a tiny amount of film and ink. Moreover, a single operator can set the 8 printing cylinders and complete a proof printing in l minutes. If the cylinders are already ready, eight-color printing only takes 15 minutes.

First full model change in xxx years
According to Masayuki Ako, president of Nissio Gravure, 30 years have passed since they first developed the MULTI proof press. Although he says they have made minor modifications during this time, they had not made whatsoever major model changes until recently. Every bit such, after receiving a manufacturing grant, they decided to go ahead and digitalize the car.

The development projection for MULTI EX (EX is brusque for extra in the sense of special or exceptional) was undertaken in November 2013 by four members from Nissio — Shigeki Takayasu (press operations department manager) as leader, Yoshitaka Aoyagi (machine maintenance department chief) as subleader, Masato Yoshino (sales manager), and Jun Ito (cylinder making department) — an advisor from outside; a head managing director from Nissio; and members for car production and electrical systems. Their goals were to (ane) nurture human being resources for succeeding generations through the evolution of a side by side-generation gravure proof press, (2) pass on their innovative Deoxyribonucleic acid for machine and equipment manufacturing, and (three) contribute to the growth of the industry through the further development of gravure proof press engineering science.

A human-friendly gravure proof press
To determine the needs of those really using the automobile, Nissio Gravure conducted a survey of seventy companies that had installed a MULTI proof press or a one-cylinder GRAVO-PROOF GN, to which they received 97 comments regarding vi items from twenty companies. The top three items were quality (ink thickness, drying, larger press areas, etc.), operability (automation, digital display), and safety (work environment improvements, injury prevention).

Nissio Gravure also uses the machines, and thus received 175 comments when they surveyed their own employees. The top concerns from the internal survey were safety (work environment improvements, injury prevention), quality (closer results to production machines, application of printing machine technology), and operability (work automation and then that anyone can use the car, addition of operational guidance). There were too ideas for increasing the speed of tone matching by adopting a reckoner colour matching (CCM) type dispenser. Based on these comments, in Baronial 2014 they settled on the development concept of a homo-friendly proof press that was focussed on ecology and operability.

Nutrient and car function producers every bit users
The users of MULTI proof presses typically include converters and printers that piece of work with gravure printing, simply recently the proof presses have come to be used in dissimilar ways. Mr. Ako explains that, for example, gravure cylinder making companies will purchase several MULTI proof presses to set up themselves autonomously from their competitors past offer in-attendance proofing services as a substitute for converters and printers. When in-attendance proofing is made using production machines, the machines cannot be used for production runs at the same time, and so this service is a major aid for converters and printers, also.

According to Mr. Ako, globally minded companies are wary of data leakage before new products are released. Equally such, there are cases where food producers, for case, have confirmed the printed designs in-house instead.

Motorcar function manufacturers have also purchased MULTI proof presses, which they lend out to printers. Mr. Ako explains that although parts for luxury automobiles are first made in high volumes, these volumes eventually drop off, with only i or two items being delivered at a time. With such small-scale volumes, there is no demand to use production run gravure printing machines. Moreover, many companies also need to produce samples, and then the automobile office manufacturers lend their MULTI proof presses to printers who and then print one or ii copies on the machines. In this style, Mr. Ako says that their customers are coming upwards with uses that go beyond what even they had envisioned.

Masayuki Ako, president of Nissio Gravure

Increasing need for gravure proofing in Southeast Asia
In contrast to these new uses for MULTI proof presses in Japan, Southeast Asia — where the gravure printing market is primarily expanding in the packaging manufacture — is also seeing an emerging demand for MULTI proof presses. As such, Mr. Ako and Hideyuki Tochizawa, manager of the automobile department, travelled to Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Korea at the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 to promote the MULTI proof press. After returning to Japan in Jan 2015, they immediately began to receive orders.

Nissio Gravure's orders from non-Japanese companies have thus far been limited to a unmarried GN proof press exported to Korea. Mr. Ako explains, nevertheless, that Japanese companies that have used the MULTI proof press in Nippon have found information technology user-friendly enough to apply in their overseas plants also. In this mode, Japanese companies that are expanding globally accept installed several of the machines already. In addition, Mr. Ako says that in Taiwan and Korea there is a shift to brusk-runs of many different high-quality products, so in that location is a growing demand for proof presses. In Thailand and Republic of indonesia, where runs are long, these are used to see how printed proofs made using the bodily cylinders match with the production runs on-site.

Mr. Ako goes on to say that the penetration of Japanese convenience stores into local markets is likewise having a major influence on the rapid 'Japanization' of packaging printing in Southeast Asia. For example, the packages for products sold in Japanese convenience stores in Thailand have the same impress quality as those sold in Nippon. In this way, when local people come across these, they showtime to demand the aforementioned level of quality from other goods as well. He also says that there is a common feeling that Chinese gravure printing machines do not offer the same functioning as Japanese machines, and that the Chinese machines get useless after two or three years. Equally such, local companies are starting to purchase Japanese gravure press machines, even though these are expensive. Because the machines are more expensive, these companies naturally practise not desire to stop the auto for in-attendance proofing or press, which has led to an increasing need for proof presses.

For the time being, MULTI EX is only being sold in Nihon until a global support system is in place, so they are focussing on sales of their other MULTI proof presses globally.

Reprinted past permission from Convertech & e-Print, July-Baronial 2015.

Packaging Southern asia is the cooperating media partner for drupa 2022 which is scheduled to be held from 31 May to 10 June at Dusseldorf, Germany.

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